Managing Incivility and Conflict in Political Discussions at Work


October 28, 2024


Bob Churilla

  1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 10:00 AM PT | 60 Minutes


Due to the political differences in the United States and others, it should not be surprising that conflict may occur in the workplace over differing political views. These types of conflict are even more likely to arise during election seasons or over major disagreements involving government policy. In this webinar, the problem of dealing with disagreements among employees that come out of political discussions will be addressed.

This webinar, will first look at dealing with employee conflict over political discussions at work and how to handle them when they arise. In this part of the webinar, we will go over the importance of listening to others we disagree with and searching for common ground. Participants will learn how to talk about issues and not get into personalities. Some strategies will be presented on how to remain respectful, accepting different views, promoting a positive work environment, setting boundaries on the topics being discussed and walking away from conversations that are not being productive or civil.

Finally, the role of the organization, will be examined when handling conflict arising from political discussions at work. The importance of establishing a code of conduct for political discussions will be discussed. This will include appropriate conduct in using the organization's social media. Some helpful policies will gone over like no tolerance for bullying during political discussions, respectful and safe dialogue, setting aside a time and place for such conversations  and providing training for healthy dialogue. In addition, there will be information on how to promote individual political activities outside work hours and provide feedback channels for employees that are concerned about how certain political discussions are being handled by employees.

In today's politically charged climate, it is not uncommon for conflicts to arise in the workplace over differing political views. These tensions can intensify during election seasons or amid divisive government policies. This webinar addresses how to effectively manage and resolve these conflicts to maintain a positive work environment

What You'll Learn:

  • What are employee rights of expression?
  • What rights does an employer have to control speech or social political/personal expression in the workplace?
  • Know your legal framework and how to exercise control without risking liability.
  • Implement an effective training program around civil behavior
  • Coach managers to foster a civil workplace and address negative behavior 
  • Identify strategies for diffusing tense situations and mediating conflict 
  • Create a positive workplace culture where employees thrive
  • Prepare for the aftermath of what might become a tumultuous post-election work environment

This program covers:

  • Handling Political Discussions in the Workplace
  • Creating a Respectful Dialogue
  • Organizational Role in Conflict Management
  • What is “protected speech” for employees, and what are its limits? and liabilities?
  • Best Practices for Political Conversations
  • Get ahead of it! – Foundation policies for maintaining or establishing civility in these tumultuous times.
  • Social-political expression and tensions—allowing or prohibiting logos, display of messaging.
  • What if the employer espouses a social position and an employee disagrees?  Can they wear or express counter messages in the workplace?
  • Establishing and maintaining a respectful, civil workplace

Join us for this important webinar to create a harmonious workplace despite political differences!

Who Should Attend:

  • Everyone who interacts with others at work
  • Human resources professionals
  • Business owners
  • Employee relations staff
  • Benefit administrators
  • Payroll professionals
  • Location managers
  • Division supervisors
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Plant managers
  • Operations managers
  • Contract managers
  • Contract administrators
  • Safety managers
  • Division supervisors
  • Chief executives
  • Executive directors
  • Board members
  • Senior management
  • Development staff
  • Program directors


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